WordPress Multisite Script to find all network enabled/disabled plugins
In Multi-site WordPress environment, it is very hard to identify which plugins are network activated and which are individually activated on sub-sites. I encountered this issue recently and decided to script own a solution to this problem. I was looking to remove all the unused plugins (network + sub-site). I found this script handy as this can be placed in a file and placed in root folder of the WordPress installation. Running it will display all the plugins grouped by per sub-site enabled, by network enabled and all safe to delete plugins.
I hope this could help someone
PHP Script to find all network activated & sub-site activated plugins
<?php require_once(dirname(__FILE__).'/wp-load.php'); global $wpdb; $globally_active_plugins = []; $removable_plugins = []; $result = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT `blog_id` FROM `wp_blogs`"); if(count($result)){ foreach($result as $r){ $site_id = $r->blog_id; switch_to_blog($site_id); $active_plugins = []; foreach(get_plugins() as $path => $plugin){ if(is_plugin_active($path)){ $active_plugins[] = $path; if(! in_array($path, $globally_active_plugins)) $globally_active_plugins[] = $path; } } echo '<a href="'.get_site_url().'">'.get_bloginfo('name').' (site #'.get_current_blog_id().')</a>'; echo '<pre>'; print_r($active_plugins); echo '</pre>'; } echo 'ALL REQUIRED PLUGINS - '; echo '<pre>'; print_r($globally_active_plugins); echo '</pre>'; foreach(get_plugins() as $path => $plugin){ if(! in_array($path, $globally_active_plugins)) $removable_plugins[] = $path; } echo 'PLUGINS THAT CAN BE SAFELY REMOVED - '; echo '<pre>'; print_r($removable_plugins); echo '</pre>'; } ?>